Roccalbegna, things to do

“If the stone collapse, goodbye Roccalbegna”

This is the famous popular saying of the inhabitants of Roccalbegna who are aware of the beauty and, at the same time, the fragility of their small village set in a precious gem. The rock spikes recalled in the saying overlook the town and give it a unique characteristic.

The small village develops on the slope of Mount Labbro, in a strategic position, surrounded by the Albegna river and an unspoiled nature. However, there is a problem resulting from the instability of the ground and therefore, consequently, the fear that the “stone” could detach and fall disastrously onto the village.
As in other towns that arose in the south-eastern part of Mount Amiata, in Roccalbegna too there was a very strong influence from the Aldobrandeschi family who immediately understood its strategic importance. However, it was the Sienese who developed the keep, which has survived to the present day thanks also to the care of some castellans. The town then passed under the fiefdom of the Sforza family and finally under the royal vicar of Arcidosso.
The main attraction of the small village is precisely the so-called “stone”. In fact, the keep was built on the spurs and was used mainly as a lookout point. There are also other interesting structures to visit. The church of Santi Pietro e Paolo is a beautiful example of Romanesque-Gothic architecture combined with Baroque elements.
Inside there are some masterpieces of Ambrogio Lorenzetti.
The Oratory of the Crucifix and the civic tower are very interesting. The latter has a lopsided appearance resulting from the various landslides. The town centre has its own character surrounded by the many charming streets typical of Italian villages.

Events and sport in Roccalbegna

Roccalbegna is located near the Albegna valley and the wildlife park. For sports enthusiasts, there are truly noteworthy trekking routes. For food enthusiasts, however, we can point out that Fiorino cheese, winner of various international awards, is produced in Roccalbegna.
Given the beauty of the small village, it is normal that many events are organized throughout the year. Most of them take place during the summer or during the autumn period because they are linked to the harvesting of chestnuts and mushrooms. However, there is one event that stands out compared to the others and it is possible to attend it only in a hamlet of Roccalbegna: the “Focarazza” in Santa Caterina.
This is an ancient tradition born in the 16th century. Every November 24th the city quarters of the small town compete for the “stollo”, which represents the soul of the Saint. The “stollo” is an oak tree trunk in which the “focarazza” is lit and once the fire has stopped, it must be brought by the challengers to their own city quarter by any means possible. A very folkloristic and compelling show.

Italy is a country full of contradictions, attractions, history, and passion.
Roccalbegna, in its small, represents all of this because the uniqueness of its “stone” contrasts with its danger, enveloping the area with a mystical and adventurous aura.