Crossing these wonderful green and wooded lands, we cannot avoid visiting the ancient villages of the Val d’Orcia and Mount Amiata that we can encounter on our journey. Each village has its history and its authenticity, and you will find much to discover in the streets of these municipalities. These towns offer many tourist attractions of a historical and folkloristic nature. Explore the pages that we propose to you and come to visit us to see for yourself what we are telling you.

Villages and towns to visit

Visit Abbadia San Salvatore

Abbadia San Salvatore, holidays between traditions and nature

There are many reasons to spend few days in Abbadia San Salvatore during your holiday on Mount Amiata…

Visit Arcidosso

Arcidosso, between spirituality and mystery

Arcidosso, an ancient medieval village on the eastern side of Monte Amiata, dominated by the “Aldobrandesco” Castle, which is one of the oldest and best preserved castles…

Visit Bagni San Filippo

Bagni San Filippo, the spa and the white whale

Bagni San Filippo is a fraction of the town of Castiglione d’Orcia. One of the most renowned spa towns of the lower Tuscany.

Visit Bagno Vignoni

Bagno Vignoni, between thermal water and archeology

Bagno Vignoni is located in the municipality of San Quirico d’Orcia. Certainly the most important spa of the splendid valley since the time of the Etruscans.

Visit Campiglia d'Orcia, one step from Via Francigena

Campiglia d’Orcia, a step away from the Via Francigena

Campiglia d’Orcia is a fraction of the municipality of Castiglione d’Orcia, in the province of Siena, on the Via Francigena.

Visit Castel del Piano the city of Palio

Castel del Piano, the city of the Palio

Castel del Piano, a town in the province of Grosseto, is one of the most populated towns of Amiata. Famous for the traditional Palio.

Visit Castiglione d'Orcia and the Tentennano fortress

Castiglione d’Orcia, at the foot of the fortress of Tentennano

Castiglione d’Orcia is a small town in the province of Siena immersed in the Val d’Orcia characterized by the presence of the Rocca di Tentennano.

Montelaterone nel comune di Arcidosso


Montelaterone is a village in the municipality of Arcidosso that rises on the slopes of the Amiata on a sandstone mountain overlooking the Ente and Zancona rivers and which caresses the Orcia valleys.

Visit Montalcino the city of Brunello

Montalcino, the city of Brunello

Montalcino, a town in the province of Siena, famous for the production of the renowned Brunello wine.

Visit Piancastagnaio

Piancastagnaio, the fortress and centuries-old chestnut trees

Piancastagnaio with its centuries-old chestnut trees is the southernmost town in the province of Siena on the slopes of Monte Amiata.

Visit Pienza la città di Pio II Piccolomini - dove dormire a Pienza

Pienza, the city of Pius II Piccolomini

Pienza is the “gem” of the Orcia Valley, one of the countries most visited by tourists from all over the world, the birthplace of Pope PIO II.

Dove dormire a Radicofani

Radicofani, the city of Ghino di Tacco

Radicofani with its imposing tower attributed to the Carolingians and then conquered by the bandit Ghino di Tacco, is located in front of Monte Amiata.

Visit San Quirico d'Orcia

San Quirico d’Orcia, between art and gardens

San Quirico d’Orcia, famous for its gardens is one of the most characteristic villages of the Orcia valley.

Visit Santa Fiora

Santa Fiora, the living room of Amiata

Santa Fiora is one of the most characteristic towns of Amiata, located in the province of Grosseto, known for its Robbiane and artistic events.

Visit Seggiano

Seggiano, city of oil and of Daniel Spoerri

Country in the province of Grosseto, it is known worldwide for the gardens of the artist Daniel Spoerri and for the excellent oil produced in his campaigns.

Visit vivo d'orcia

Vivo d’Orcia, city of water and springs

Vivo d’Orcia is a modern mountain village where it is worth stopping only for the sparkling air.