Where yo eat in Seggiano

In the where to eat in Seggiano section we present a list of the best restaurants, wine bars, pizzerias, taverns and pubs where you can taste excellent typical Tuscan dishes. Below is a list of the structures with the address and telephone number to book during your holiday in Seggiano.
When eating in one of the restaurants listed, don’t forget to season the dishes with the excellent oil produced in the surrounding lands.

Restaurants, wine bars, pizzerias, taverns and pubs where to eat in Seggiano

Caffè 60

Via Grossetana, 6

Phone: +39 0564 950903

La taverna

Piazza Umberto I, 12

Phone: +39 0564 950000

B&B antico borgo

Piazza Umberto I, 8

Phone: +39 0564 950000

Ristoro al Prato della Marsiliana

Discover also where to stay in Seggiano.